Waterproofing issues in residential and commercial buildings is a growing problem despite improvements in the National Construction Code (NCC) and ‘deemed-to-satisfy solutions’ provided by updated Australian Standard. Buildings do not have waterproofing problems if they are designed well and/or constructed well. The waterproofing in buildings is a secondary (or back up) strategy, it should not be the primary strategy. Thus, when we are analysing a water leaking problem, it is often a discovery of building failure as the cause of the problem.

As an industry leader, our knowledge and experience can be utilised via informal advice or consulting services


Waterproofing problem solving is what we do every day with our trade customers. This advice can be obtained on-line via “Contact Us” – inquiries; phoning; email; or call into our trade outlet, – our staff are most helpful.


In Victoria we do not have specialist licensed Waterproofing Consultants with building insurance to cover the license. Consulting services are given as “Expert Judgement”, acting on behalf of the client. This advice or judgement is aimed at providing a perspective of risks and practical options.

Site Visit advice: For those seeking independent advice on a site waterproofing problem and verbal discussion about possible solution options we offer a consulting call out service ($250 minimum for total one hour – no report writing)

Site Water Damage assessment and Remedial solution Options: Meeting with property owners and property managers to assess the level of water damage, on-going risk, optional strategies of ‘fixing’ or ‘managing’ the problem, and if required document a scope of works for a contractor. (Minimum Fee $550, extending by the complexity and detail required in reporting.)

Remedial Management – Strategic Guidance:  Acting on behalf of the client to identify practical options. (Ask for a fee estimate)

Remedial Management – On-going maintenance Strategies:  Acting on behalf of the client to structure and prioritise project solutions. (Negotiated fee)

Independent Consulting Reports – Problem analysis and strategy options:  Site visits, review of plans and report writing. (Negotiated fee)

Independent Consulting Reports – Performance Solutions:  Working with the client and their Architect and Structural Engineers, design and write a waterproofing Performance Solution to meet the NCC guidelines, primarily for “Below Ground” situations. (Negotiated fee)

For further information contact David Hepworth on 0412 106 450 or david@conpro.com.au


1. Contractor Network: Within our customer base we have a network of contractors with capabilities for most waterproofing jobs which we can suggest could be suitable for the project at hand. Our customers are independent companies, and your commercial relationship is with the contractor. Concrete Protection takes no responsibility for the works.

2. Small Remedial Projects: Outside our contractor network, our staff will complete small remedial works when time permits. These projects provide two benefits, first an economical scope of works for the customer; and second, it provides our staff with the experience of using the products we recommend.